For an enhanced browsing experience, get the IMDb app on your smartphone or tablet. They, the local stations, had little, to no money for quality program broadcasts. The team soon discovers that the island has been taken over by crabs that have mutated into enormous, intelligent monsters.

But they don't wish to do that at the expense of the other aspects of the picture. I talked to Chuck Griffith about this. Horror A teenage couple accidentally awakens an alien after hitting it with their car.
What gives this notion away? A backwoods game warden and a local doctor discover that giant leeches are responsible for disappearances and deaths in a local swamp, but the local police don't believe them. Don’t worry, it won’t take long.

Apparently the crabs want to reach the mainland so they can eat more humans and absorb their minds, no clue why they would wanna do this, or how this benefits them, but there you go. There were moments when it did feel a bit creepy, especially with the haunting telepathic messages and the clicking noise the crabs make. could be marketable for a short time, as long as not much real solid thought or questions were raised. January 28, 2011 December 16, 2007 From the depths of the sea comes a tidal wave of terror when scientists get stuck on a shrinking island with intelligent and huge killer crabs. I remember seeing this when I was growing up on Long Island. Bear in mind we're talking about giant mutant telepathic crabs bent on world domination.

October 25, 2011
Yes they do have some decent scale to them, they are large mechanical puppets that do look like crabs and the actors are able to interact with them. Hoolar vows to go to the mainland with her fertilized eggs when the island is gone (and the three humans are dead) to feed upon even more people, absorbing those minds in the process. Nevertheless I marveled at it's wonderful imagination. As a teen I used to enjoy going down to local waterfront and doing some crabbing, after seeing this I was a little wary and you would catch me down on the docks after dark for quite some time. Copyright © Fandango. Naturally some giant mutated crabs ate the last team (shocking), and are a result of the bomb testing (you don't say). You notice every one of these giant creature B-movies has an almost identical poster layout. The scientists turn their attention to a way to stop the mating pair of monsters from reproducing. Teenagers from a rural community and their high school science teacher join forces to battle a giant mutant spider. Whoa, Keanu Even though I was at such a young age, I could still comprehend how poorly this film was produced. well for a start there is nothing to look at, no fancy sets, no lovely locations, no swish props or costumes etc...nothing. Even though I was at such a young age, I could still comprehend how poorly this film was produced. Seriously what were they thinking?! Yes its yet another 1957 flick, the year of the giant creature feature, and yet again the movies poster is completely bullshit, at no point does a female get grabbed by a giant crab like that. Just confirm how you got your ticket.Fandango Done way before the French declared him a genius, thus ruining his product, The picture is a combination of weird acting and papier mache monsters, with an almost incomprehensible plot to drive the action.

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