Women’s Day also remembers the voices of many women that go unheard and who continue to be dominated from securing their rights and realizing their full potential. It is an international festival, decided by the United Nations, and it is celebrated on 8th March annually. It honours the power and struggles of women who have broken all barriers and reached the pinnacle of success in every sphere of life. Culture and ethnicity has given a new dimension to this day where the tradition of gifting presents to women is popular in some countries. The day honours the voices that go unheard, the rights that are dominated and the tears that go unnoticed.Even today, there are millions of women around the world who are either speechless or are struggling hard to secure their rights. The word ‘woman’ conjures up the images of selfless love, care and affection. On the 9 August 1956, over 20 000 women marched to the Union Buildings in Pretoria to take a stand against this – and that demonstration led to the writing of the Women’s Charter which was ultimately incorporated into the Freedom Charter.With more freedom of choice today’s women fulfil many more roles than they did in the past. In the corporate world and in their personal lives, women are expected to excel and achieve, which requires focus, dedication and a burning motivation/desire to keep moving forward. Several resolutions to protect women’s rights have also been passed globally, which has opened up broader avenues for the growth and development of women in our society.

Today, women across the globe actively participate in politics, education, social work, corporate, sports, IT, research & development, innovation and diverse fields, and have left their footprints.

It is a very important holiday for women but did you know where is it originated from? The objective of Women’s Day is to express love and gratitude towards women’s’ contribution to our lives and society. However it's celebrated more in some countries than others for cultural, technological and other indirectly sexist reasons. Nikki Bush is a Human Potential and Parenting Expert. Personalised gifts and greeting cards dedicated to Women’s Day have become exceptionally popular today. Women’s Day is celebrated globally on 8 March every year in honour of their remarkable contribution to our society.The day also commemorates the inspiring role of women around the world to secure women’s rights and build more equitable societies. Unfortunately, across the world, women had to fight for their independence and protection of rights. Apart from celebration of their achievements the day is also used to express our respect, appreciation and love towards the most powerful women gender. Women’s Day also remembers the voices of many women that go unheard and who continue to be dominated from securing their rights and realizing … Since decades, women had struggled and are still fighting to express their right to speech, to vote, to equality, to education, to income and most importantly, to freedom. Copyright © 2015-2020 www.womensdaycelebration.com. The Importance of Women’s Day Successful women all around the country should take the time to celebrate National Women’s Day on the 9 th of August – the day that marks women empowerment in … The International Women's Day which is observed on March 8th is to celebrate the achievements of women in various fields like economic, political and social line. This has created new stresses for women around how to create work-life balance.
Read on our latest blog! Women’s Day also celebrates the role of women as a daughter, a wife, a mother, a sister and a homemaker. The discrimination and inequality is still every prominent, especially in developing and backward countries. Treat them to an inspirational talk by leading corporate speaker, Nikki Bush.Nikki Bush is not just another motivational speaker, she is a speaker who truly understands the importance of Women attending a motivational talk by Nikki Bush will leave with the following:If you would like to learn more about Nikki Bush’s Women’s Day addresses and talks, take the time to She is also an award-winning speaker and best-selling author helping individuals, families and teams to win at work and life. Many people think it is the ideal way to express their love and gratitude for women in life. All Rights Reserved. Despite all pessimism, International Women’s Day is a special day dedicated only to women and their role in our lives.

For many, National Women’s Day is just another public holiday, but to women who have faced myriad struggles in their lives and to women who are in a position to lift each other up and inspire each other, it is a special day that commemorates the day women took a stand to secure equal rights.During the Apartheid years, the draconian Pass Laws required all non-whites to carry internal passports known as Passbooks aimed at controlling and segregating the population.

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