27 0 obj <>stream Don't you just love it!! Bluebird, bluebird, through my window Bluebird, bluebird, through my window Bluebird, bluebird, through my window Oh, Johnny I am tired Take a little girl and tap her on the shoulder Take a little girl and tap her on the shoulder Take a little girl and tap her on the shoulder Oh, Johnny I am tired Bluebird, bluebird, through my window Bluebird, bluebird, through my window Bluebird, bluebird, through my window Bluebird, bluebird, through my window Oh, Johnny I am tired Take.

0000000840 00000 n Doris Day. Signature. Children stand in a circle holding hands. 15 0 obj <> endobj !Bluebird, bluebird in and out my window Take a friend and tap them on the shoulder 1. Bluebird, bluebird through my window, Bluebird, bluebird through my window, Bluebird, bluebird come through my window, Oh, Johnny, I am tired. There's a Bluebird on … Repeat the whole sequence. Whoever the children are in your life - your kids, your grandkids, your students, even yourself (in your heart) - Bluebird, bluebird, through my window Bluebird, bluebird, through my window Bluebird, bluebird, through my window Oh, Johnny I am tired Take a little girl and tap her on the shoulder Take a little girl and tap her on the shoulder Take a little girl and tap her on the shoulder Oh, Johnny I am tired Bluebird, bluebird, through my window Children stand in a circle holding hands.
Many include beautiful illustrations, commentary by ordinary people, and links to recordings, videos, and sheet music. Take a little girl, and tap her on the shoulders, Take a little girl, and tap her on the shoulders, Take a little girl, and tap her on the shoulders, Oh, Johnny, I am tired!

Doris Day. All rights reserved. Everyone in the circle lets go of each other's hands and claps on the beat while singing "Take a friend..." The bluebird lightly taps the shoulders of the child they are standing behind. endstream endobj 16 0 obj <> endobj 17 0 obj <> endobj 18 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 19 0 obj <> endobj 20 0 obj <> endobj 21 0 obj [/ICCBased 26 0 R] endobj 22 0 obj <> endobj 23 0 obj <> endobj 24 0 obj <> endobj 25 0 obj <>stream The Opies (who wrote about nursery rhymes and folk traditions) have it as "bluebird" and Lomax (who collected folk songs) has it as "blue bird".Children stand in a circle holding hands high up in arches (to form the "windows" in the song).

0000000970 00000 n Eventually you will have a long bluebird line weaving in and out the windows as the number of children in the circle shrinks! I suggest teaching the song indoors, and even practicing the "dance form", then take it outdoors at your first opportunity. 0000002233 00000 n The Dance: 1. will be from my "Bluebird, Bluebird" is a song from my childhood. x�b```f``��\��(���&0pd�e J�t_ d400p0H@d�\N�� ���`���e��l�J�J� � * �����lCB'�f�Y M�h Bluebird, bluebird in and out my window Bluebird, bluebird in and out my window Oh Johnny, I'm so tired! %%EOF trailer xref Choose a little girl/boy and tap her/him on the shoulder Choose a little girl/boy and tap her/him on the shoulder Choose a little girl/boy and tap her/him on the shoulder Oh, Johnny aren't you tired? Raise hands high to form "windows". Perhaps it will bring back a memory for you! The bluebird weaves in and out of the circle. Every month the song/dance/activity will change. Read the lyrics to the children's song Blue Bird Blue Bird on BusSongs.com. Whoever gets caught in the bridge on "my fair lady (or gentleman)" will be the bluebird NEXT time we do the song! 2014 (There's a bluebird) There's a bluebird (There's a rainbow) There's a bluebird on your windowsill There's a rainbow in your sky There are. Children in the circle hold hands high to form windows again. The child chosen as the bluebird stands outside the circle. Bluebird, bluebird, through my window.

Actions for 'Bluebird' Children stand in a circle with hands joined and raised in an arch.
As you sing the chorus, the bluebird weaves in and out the windows, stopping behind a child as you sing "Oh Johnny..." 3. Blue bird, blue bird through my window (repeat twice) Oh, Johnny aren’t you tired? It's a traditional melody, but the game/dance can be found in many different versions. Ah, Spring! h޼Wێ�6}�W�#UXE],��i�"����h� K��F����#�w���K�E��"��9gf�g_�)T#�}�U�=��M��A��$1No��8OyA�g83(/��Ԭ��K�y� ΅�%ݮ$4"ܶ��޳��B��ˆ��`Gas�{���1G�Gy*h�Pt\�BQ� D3��+�V�S9�� �! See more of our Songs for Teaching Colors to Young Children Many thanks to Rachel Sumner for permission to display these lyric excerpts. Then game continues on until all the kids make a chain and there are only 2 children left forming an arch (or "window". Don't you just love it!! Your purchase will help us keep our site online!Please contribute a traditional song or rhyme from your country.Music, culture and traditions from all around the world!Music, culture and traditions from all around the world!

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