Many of you will ask why I waited so long to share the warning. A doctrine that I believe is completely Biblical and defined by the Apostle Paul in Romans 1 is unmistakably visceral language.People who say that with Christ we are no longer under the Law of Moses are in error because God’s Law is rooted in Natural Law and the reckoning of nature itself. The example of crime and drug abuse, sexual immorality leading to baby murder and abortion, a sodomite in hospice withering from AIDS, or even a young man enlisting and dying in unjust wars can all serve as an example of what happens to those who rebel against … Full of Hate 4. Paul illustrates this concept in a letter to his star pupil Timothy 2000 years ago,The Laws were spelled out in the Old Testament because the then Israelites and modern humankind are simply too stupid to recognize the Laws of Nature and extrapolate out the principles of right living, thus the need for rules. But that he regards their destruction as a less evil to the universe, than would be such a change in the administration and arrangements of his government as would secure their salvation. As quoted above, “It all boils down to popularity for the average pastor who is unwilling to rock the boat on social issues any given Sunday. For holiness in a creature is nothing else than a voluntary conformity to the government of God.Since the penalty of the law, although infinite, under the wisest possible administration of moral government, could not secure universal obedience; and since multitudes of sinners will not be reclaimed and saved by the gospel, one of three things must be done; either moral government must be given up; or the wicked must be annihilated, or they must be reprobated and sent to hell.

If, as a matter of fact, they will be cast away and lost, it must be that God both knows and designs it.

You are not made unwilling by any act of God, or because you are reprobate; but if you are reprobate, it is because you are unwilling.But do any of you object and say, why does not God make us willing? The cost is divorce, adultery, abuse, moral degradation, and societal corruption and we will reap the rewards of such living if we haven’t already. Unfortunately, the gay lifestyle is a malfunction of the species and natural order.

O ye serpents! And idolatry by definition can not be Christianity. The vessels of mercy God had, by the special grace and influence of the Holy Spirit, engaging and directing their voluntary agency, afore prepared for glory.(3.) Raising healthy well-adjusted children in a loving, normal, universally natural setting with one married man and woman at its helm is historically the best setting for the child. If God knows what he will be in character, and designs his destruction, it is impossible that it should be otherwise than as God knows and designs, and therefore one may as well give up in despair first as last.(1.)

Now, if you wished to know whose days were numbered and finished, and who among the sick were certain to die with the disease, if you found any among them neglecting and despising the only appropriate remedy, you would know that they were the persons.3. Nor is it, nor does it imply, that all the reprobates might not be saved, if they would but comply with the indispensable conditions of salvation.8. It is from these lists we have gotten our historical laws called Crimes Against Nature.If these standards were applied in America, in our modern age, then every homosexual, porn star, rock star, adulterer, prostitute, and witch would be hunted down brought before theocratic tribunals and killed.Now some would say that this would be a good thing, and we would be better off implementing this Biblical standard in our society. That destruction was not the ultimate end of their creation, must follow from such scriptures as the following: -- Ezek. Did you ever seriously ask yourself, what is the reason that a wise and infinitely benevolent God has never made me willing to accept salvation? A poet has said, "When pain can't bless, heaven quits us in despair." God is very clear that He does not tolerate anyone who rebels against the created order, to do so is to war with God Himself. God must have a moral government, or there can be no such thing as holiness in the created universe. If so, what do you think the reason is that has led the infinitely benevolent God to reprobate you? At one time he has thrown you into the furnace of affliction; and when this has not softened you, he has turned round and loaded you with favors. It literally is a math equation, the larger a church becomes the less Truth is spoken at the pulpit.I truly believe that the church was never intended to have organizational structures as we see now. But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath; 9. Moral character must be the result of proper, voluntary action, and the moral character of the vessels of wrath or of mercy neither is, nor can be, formed by any irresistible influence whatever.(2.) Please check your email for further instructions.The gripping memoirs of the founder of HNewsWire. It is so hard to believe a lie, with the truth of the Bible before you, that the devil cannot do it. He may appoint one portion to honor and another to dishonor, as is seen by him to be demanded by the highest good.(4.)

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