The safety fougasse was constructed as follows: a small section was excavated from the side of a slope, leaving a shallow platform of earth, and a barrel of incendiary mixture was placed horizontally in a low position with one round face pointing towards the target.

In readying the southern British coast for invasion, besides the usual pillboxes and barbed wire, there was also the Flame Fougasse. But as the man said. Although never used in combat in Britain, the design saw action later in Greece.Later in World War II, Germany and Russia developed flame throwing mines that worked on a somewhat different principle.

Record ID: MNA190271 / MNA190271 Record type: Monument [9] [10] Prior to the invention of the Livens Projector, chemical weapons had been delivered either by cloud attacks or chemical-filled shells fired from howitzers.
This pipe is what makes it a “safety” fougasse because it allows later installation of the propelling charge.

A camouflaged oil drum filled with petroleum, lime and tar that could be ignited and then rolled into the path of an invader. They had a 5lb propelling charge of gunpowder against the rear face, and an 8oz ammonal opening charge on the front, which also helped ignite the mixture. After World War II, flame fougasses similar to the original British design have been used in several conflicts including the Korean and Vietnam Wars where it was improvised from easily available parts. During that period, about 50,000 flame fougasse barrels were deployed in some 7,000 batteries, mostly in southern England and a little later at 2,000 sites in Scotland. ************ BUT Just remember this is just being told for entertainment reasons ONLY. Such weapons are improvised from available fuel containers combined with standard explosive charges or   Now hopefully you will never have to use this knowledge.

What does flame fougasse mean? *****************  I also most highly recommend that you leave this to the Guys in the Military, who are in a active War zone.IN OTHER WORDS FOR THOSE REALLY DUMB BASTARDS OUT THERE!DO NOT DO THIS!! The most well-known flame weapon devised by the Petroleum Warfare Department (PWD) was the flame fougasse, used and operated by the Home Guard. Reply Good karma Bad karma +1 vote. After World War II, flame fougasses similar to the original British design have been used in several conflicts including the One of Livens’ PWD demonstrations, probably first seen about mid-July at The experiments led to a particularly promising arrangement: a forty-gallon Experiments with the flame fougasse continued and it rapidly evolved. A flame fougasse (sometimes contracted to fougasse and may be spelled foo gas) is a type of mine or improvised explosive device which uses an explosive charge to project burning liquid onto a target. The top of the pipe was fitted with a loose cap to keep water out. On firing, the barrel would be projected 10 feet (3 m) into the air and 10 yards (9 m) forwards, bounding over a hedge or wall behind which it had been hidden. So since as I have warned you not to! This was a barrel of petroleum mixture placed upright with a cocoa tin charge containing two primers and just one ammonal cartridge buried in an eight-inch (200 mm) deep pit placed underneath and slightly off centre, but carefully aligned with the seam of the barrel. The flame fougasse was developed by the Petroleum Warfare Department in Britain as an anti-tank weapon during the invasion crisis of 1940. This design allowed the propelling charge to be stored separately until needed. Something not to be sneezed at. Eltham Common was the site of … Especially if Civilization ends soon due to some Politician fucking up more than usual.

Instructions for several variants of this design were published but this construction increases the hazard because the leads would have to be left exposed on the surface and any electrical current applied could, theoretically, ignite the charge. Do not come back and try and sue me for your stupidity!A demonstration of ‘Fougasse’, somewhere in Britain. It is a large self-firing flamethrower system which consists of a bunch of fuel drums kept hidden from view and rigged to blow all at once when an enemy inadvertently trips it's proximity trigger. There are also flame fougasse batteries still being discovered by people digging the roadside verges of their front gardens. Flame Fougasse Weapons of the Home Guard . Soil was then built up over the weapon until all that could be seen were the front disk of the barrel and top of the pipe.The propelling charge was prepared with an electrically triggered A non-safety fougasse could be built by simply burying the propelling charge behind the fuel drum and running leads through the soil.
c 1940. The flame fougasse was developed by the Petroleum Warfare Department in Britain as an anti-tank weapon during the invasion crisis of 1940. they had hundreds of them scattered across southern Europe.

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