To help you understand our maps please use the information boxes in the menu and the help area located at the top right of the flood maps. Some of the most common questions about the maps have been answered in the summary of show you where flooding may happen, so that you can take appropriate action like For help and further information about the flood maps please Tidal inundation resulting from a storm tide event will have greatest impact on properties around Sovereign Lake and Allan Day Drive.It is possible that tidal inundation would push inland far enough to surround the Redlands Sports Club and cause flooding to the sports fields along Birkdale Road. The Alexandra Hills Reservoir services the Redland City’s northern suburbs via a pipeline network that is both gravity-fed and pressurised.
The maps show you areas which are likely to flood from rivers, the sea and surface water. Medium. Bushfire. The area is more dangerous in wet conditions as water is an excellent conductor.There is no domestic reticulated gas service within Redland City and no gas main that runs through the suburb of Wellington Point. [Opens in new tab/window - zoom out and move around to see other areas]Now you know your tsunami zone - find out what you need to do to be more prepared ( coastal areas of the Wellington Region. The maps show you areas which are likely to flood from rivers, the sea and surface water.
This would prevent any evacuations via rail to the RNA Showgrounds which is the primary evacuation centre for Brisbane and an alternate evacuation centre for Redland City residents should the city’s infrastructure be significantly compromised by a disaster event.For more information about bushfire preparedness and what to do during a bushfire, visit the Queensland Rural Fire Service website to create your Redland City Council works with its Local Disaster Management Group partners to undertake fire mitigation activities around the city. It shows areas of land that have previously been subject to flooding in England. There are however, homes within the area that use gas bottles to service hot water systems and cooking appliances. This peninsula area is accessed via one road – Main Street. Residents should be aware of the dangers connected to floodwater or swift flowing water such as: slippery surfaces; uneven ground; strong currents; sharp objects; electrical current; fences; vehicles; rocks; long grass; tree branches; sewerage; and chemicals.If you get trapped in floodwater, you not only put your life and the lives of the people with you at risk, but you also put the lives of the rescuers at risk too.Localised flooding may temporarily restrict access and cut roads in some areas of Redland City. Current mapping indicates that Wellington Point has a few scattered high bushfire hazard areas. This will help you prepare to reduce the impact of flooding on your home or business. Redland City is connected to the water grid via a pump station on Gramzow Road, Mount Cotton which allows water to be pumped to and from the city via the Heinemann Road Reservoir.
Base Flood Elevation ( BFE ): This is the elevation above the average sea level that waters from a 1% flood will reach at a given point …
This section of Birkdale Road is also susceptible to flash flooding during heavy rainfall events and is identified on the list of roads known to be impacted by localised flooding. They cover flood hazards for river and lake floods only.
The Historic Flood Map is a GIS layer showing the maximum extent of individual Recorded Flood Outlines from river, the sea and groundwater springs that meet a set criteria. These guides aim to help you minimise the impact of flooding to your home, property or business.
There is a chance of some heavy rain on Sunday which, when combined with the existing very wet conditions may lead to further problems. The suburb is a popular seaside destination within the Brisbane metropolitan area and is notable for a popular walk along a sandbar to King Island which emerges at low tide. Caution Flood Alert Groundwater levels across the West of Dorset have now started to fall back at nearly every monitoring point.
The FloodCheck interactive map gives access to a wide range of flood information and data developed as part of the Queensland Flood Mapping Program. Our flood maps are designed to help you understand how you could be affected by flooding. Hereford includes medium, low, and high flood risk postcodes. Low. The Flood Awareness Map was updated in March 2020 to include the latest amendment to the Brisbane River Catchment Flood Study and the latest data for Cubberla Creek, Wolston Creek and Cabbage Tree Creek. Please consider this when planning to drive during periods of heavy rain. These are available in feel an earthquake that is either longer than a minute OR strong enough that it’s hard to stand up, The earthquake may be the only warning of a tsunami, so do not wait for further instructions, notifications or advice, evacuate immediately after the shaking has stopped.If there is an official warning, then evacuate from the zones (red, orange or yellow) stated in the warning. The Mount Cotton Reservoir is in turn connected to the Heinemann Road Reservoir at Mount Cotton which connects to both the SEQ Water Grid and North Stradbroke Island. From Thorneside Station the rail network continues east to Birkdale Station and Wellington Point Station where the line turns south-east to Ormiston Station and Cleveland Station where it terminates.Current Flood Prone, Storm Tide mapping indicates the possibility of the rail network being cut by flood water on the Redland City side of Tingalpa Creek, north of the Tingalpa Station.
Residents are reminded to be diligent with the appropriate storage and maintenance of any gas bottles that they have located on their property.Wellington Point is connected via landlines to the telecommunications and data networks.
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