She was clumsy and sought to finish her household chores by inventing contraptions to do t… In der deutschen Synchronisation leiht ihm Otto Waalkes seine Stimme. To keep his plan intact, Mushu creates a phony message alerting Captain Li Shang and the troops to head to the front immediately. Aside from this, Mulan and Shang were meant to escort three princesses to a kingdom for an arranged marriage with a childish prince.

After many failed attempts, he finally succeeds. A former make-up consultant has revealed how she makes large sums of cash by playing video games online. However, Shroud was left idle when Mixer closed last July.Shroud took a short vacation after Mixer’s shutdown, and immediately made a comeback to his old streaming platform Twitch. Dadurch fungiert er als eine Art Außerdem leidet er an Selbstüberschätzung. Er verspricht ihr, immer an ihrer Seite zu bleiben. Danach gibt er ihr mehrere Tipps, um männlicher zu erscheinen, wodurch sie eine Schlägerei auslöst.

Mushu is also rather very sensitive about his size. Mushu meldet sich freiwillig, Mulan zu retten, als sie anstatt ihres Vaters in den Krieg zieht. Als die Hunnen angreifen, besiegen sie sie, indem Mulan den Hunnenführer Shan Yu aufs Dach lockt, wo Mushu ihn mit einer Feuerwerksrakete tötet. Mushu returns during Sora's second visit to help battle the Storm Rider Heartless. Mushu dreads returning to face his fellow spirits, but knows he must. He later returns and accidentally gives Mulan's identity away to Captain Shang who leaves her behind. Desperate to keep his job, he continuously tries to break the two apart to keep his position. One of them is Corsair(Corsair is an American computer peripheral and hardware company). This lady gamer was born in 1994. + Cast music to TV or other Roku devices. Shroud is now Twitch’s fastest growing broadcaster. Mulan sees a way to defeat the army by causing an avalanche. He strives to be one of the family guardians again, and selfishly decides to convince Mulan to join the army to turn her into a war hero, believing this will get him back on the 'top shelf'.

Mushu basiert auf einen asiatischen Drachen. Emiru, “Emily, Emi, Egg” is an American Twitch streamer whose of Chinese and German descent. Er ist rot, mit einem gelben Bauch, blauen Hörnern und einer dicken, rubinroten Nase. Call of Duty: Warzone streamer MrGolds found himself in a rather awkward situation recently. Mulan wird zu Chinas mutigstem Krieger ernannt, und Mushu erhält seine Ehre als Schutzgeist zurück. Früh in der Entwicklung des Films stand das Projekt in Konkurrenz zu einer Adaption eines schottischen Märchens mit einem Drachen-Sidekick. Mulan is deemed China's bravest warrior and Mushu regains his job. Although he is not used directly as an ally, Mushu is used in the last stage of Mulan's Limit move, launching a series of fiery attacks at foes which ends with a downpour of large fireballs.

1,593 hours live. 9,608 Followers, 91 Following, 94 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Mushu (@mushu_twitch) As the standard of the period, Mulan is urged to uphold her family honor by adhering to the status quo set for woman of the time.

MJPEG Streamer - Stream USB and built-in Camera as MJPEG streams remotely. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. She’s most noticeably known for being a League of Legends partner, a full time streamer at Radiance (@radiancegg), and even a part-time computer-science student! However, things change once the ancestors tell him that if Mulan marries Shang, his family's guardians will take over for her, thus making Mushu a homeless dragon. Die Ahnen befehlen ihm stattdessen, den Großen Steindrachen zu erwecken, damit dieser die Aufgabe übernimmt. Mushu trifft Mulan in einem Bambusgebüsch nahe dem Heerlager und gibt sich als ihr mächtiger Beschützer aus, bevor sich herausstellt wie klein er eigentlich ist. Knowing that Mulan's exposure will lead to the disgrace of the Fa family, the spirits of the ancestors choose to send the Great Stone Dragon to simply bring her back safely. Mushu's attempts to teach Mulan to act like a soldier aren't very good, making her walk oddly and even contributing to a brawl starting.

Take care of yourselves. However, Mushu begins to feel regret and eventually tells Mulan the truth.

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