Being away from our students has been a rude awakening, and we’re feeling all kinds of emotions.
Taking on debt is likely not your first choice for emergency cash. Sometimes they inadvertently call us mom in the classroom," she said. "She said every teacher in her school has reached out to their students' parents, and in many cases, they were able to speak directly to the students. I know many of you have questions or might have heard pieces of information about how school will continue through April 15th.
In his message, Principal Deane also focused on the significant challenges many people are facing delivering on our academic mission while also worrying about the impact of the coronavirus crisis on their personal lives. So it's nice to see so many of the photos that we're receiving have children outside actually doing things like learning to ride a bike. I just really miss them.” —Cory L.“School is important but so is your health. Borrow money. Principal Lisa Jardine said they decided on a video message on YouTube with each of them holding up a message. "In fact, six-year-old Kendrick Bassey was so excited that he wanted to share the experience with the rest of the family. That I love them “I hope you are all safe and healthy. They also let them know what they've been up to for the last two weeks. We love our students like our own children and this separation is painful.“That I am thinking of them and missing them daily. "My daughter's teacher from Hampton High, Erin Duncan called her here at home the other day to check in. "Jardine said it's particularly important for younger children. "He was joyful," said Raymond of the exchange. It's a lot of life skills that have nothing to do with academics. At the end of the video, children were invited to send their own messages back to the teachers and there was such an overwhelming response, said Jardine, that vice-principal Sara Creighton put together an eight-minute video collage of them and posted it today. DECATUR, Ala. – A local principal came up with a very creative way to reach out to students and families while school systems are closed during the COVID-19 … "In many ways, we're kind of like a parent figure to them at that age. Pseudonyms will no longer be permitted.By submitting a comment, you accept that CBC has the right to reproduce and publish that comment in whole or in part, in any manner CBC chooses. Any art. And we will pick up right where we left off!! "We certainly understand that not all learning takes place in the classroom," she said. Principal Lisa Jardine said they decided on a video message on YouTube with each of them holding up a message. "It was very heartwarming," she said and is grateful to Raymond for taking the time to reach out to the family. But if you’re in a … Teachers let students know, in both official languages, that they miss them — with the occasional mention of being active, staying safe and even helping with household cleaning. That's why he was so happy to see her face and her message to students as part of a YouTube video from school staff. Raymond said he was more than happy to reach out. You can follow her on Twitter at @kagmoran or on Facebook. The kindergarten teachers at Forest Hills Elementary School have been posting daily messages to their students online since school closed more than two weeks ago. Please call or text someone (a friend, your grandparent, or a cousin) to say hi. Walk slowly through your neighborhood or in your backyard and discover what Spring looks like.” —Cindy K.It’s easy to feel helpless in situations like this, but we can make small differences. He passed the phone to his older sister Kayla, then his dad, Bassey, and finally to his mom, Atim, who said Kendrick's excitement lasted the entire day. Teacher Bryan Raymond said he also uses an app called Remind, which is designed to help teachers stay in contact with students. The whole purpose of this quarantine time is to keep as many of us safe and healthy as … The memories of their smiles, stories, and antics bring me joy in rough times. This too shall pass. While the primary purpose of those calls is to reconnect and check in on families, "it's also for our own mental health," she said.
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