In any case, I don’t claim any authenticity to this recipe so if you are a staunch Bengali food lover, please don’t yell.1. Maida Poori Recipe – Puri Recipe – How to Make Puffy Pooris. Maida puris won’t turn very golden or brown like regular puris and bhatura do so once both sides have been fried for 5-8 seconds after puffing, you can drain and set them aside. 2. Maida Puri, as the name suggests, is Poori made with Maida or plain flour instead of the usual atta or whole wheat flour. For water, add water little by little (as needed) to bind the hard dough. I have already shared a poori recipe in my blog, this is another version of it in which i added some maida to it. Pinch off a lemon-sized ball of dough, form a ball between your palms, dust generously wtih flour, and roll into a circle of about 3″ diameter and 1/4″ thickness.5. Response: Hello Shafina, follow the below given tips for the amount of salt and water. November 2, 2016 By Aarthi 5 Comments. Turns out it’s very similar to the maida puri I made a couple months back except that I had added some rava or semolina to mine and luchi doesn’t necessarily have that. Hope you will give this a try and let me know how it turns out for you.Take both flour, salt and oil in a bowl, mix well so the oil is well mixed in with the flour.Add water slowly and knead it to a stiff smooth dough.Take one ball in a lightly oiled surface, roll it thinly into small round pooris.Heat oil for deep frying, when it is hot, drop pooris in and press the top with a ladle, it will puff up.Over the past few years I’ve been on a mission to find and create recipes that I can make from scratch. I added some wheat flour to it as well, so it can be rolled easily. 1. You may also like.

greek yogurt recipes, indian dessert recipes, rava maida puri, rava puri bhavna, semolina puri recipe, shrikhand puri recipe, sooji puri recipe, yogurt recipes. 6. Add the 1 tsp oil to the bowl and turn the dough to coat it well. share this. !« Eggless Caramel Custard Pudding Recipe – Eggless Creme Caramel Recipe Add water a little at a time and knead into a soft and pliable dough. Exactly followed the procedure… Thanks a ton Aarthi.. Keep rocking!!

Don’t over-work the dough, just knead enough to bring it all together. 2. Mix all the ingredients together except the oils. Celebrating 25 Years of Computing Mix flour with oil/butter and salt and then taste the raw flour and adjust the salt according to it. I hope you enjoy the recipes on this blog as they are tried and true from my kitchen to yours!For more quantity – do we need to double up the measurement or what's the ratio between the flour?I got perfect soft and puffy pooris for the first time!! As you work on the puris, heat the oil for deep frying until it just begins to smoke. I used my 4. Using a slotted spoon, make sure the puri is dunked into the oil well for frying. Share. Last weekend, I had this sudden urge to make the Bengali-style puris or luchi and did some research for a good recipe. Once all the puris are rolled out and the oil is has heated up, drop each gently into the oil. Shitala Satam Vrat & Cold Food Randhan Chhath July 27, 2020. The taste and texture differ quite a bit and maida puri is best served hot with a spicy curry whereas regular puris make great tiffin box items and taste great even with a spoonful of sugar. Repeat with the rest of the rolled puris.« Blueberry Lemonade Recipe – Guest post for my Sister’s Spicy ChillyCarrot Beetroot Stir Fry – Carrot Beetroot Mezhukkupuratti Recipe »

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