It is a roller coaster of emotions, in all the good ways. Many television shows have an episode themed around Christmas..

Later on, Taiga goes back home alone to wait for Santa though she feels lonely.Knowing she would have no one, Ryuuji goes to her house dressed up as a giant bear.

Umaru-Chan is an overall extra-adorable anime as it is. Though all the main characters make an appearance in this episode, it is focused on Ui and Yui and the sisterly love they share.

Of course, Viktor/Yuri is everyone's OTP and now, we have something to look forward to, all that needs to be done is wait for the movie to come out, one day.This is the first episode of Taiga's big transformation as she decides to be good for Christmas and makes it her missing to help Taiga win Monorin's heart, for one part, as well as help organize the big Christmas party organized by the school. Fran is at looking forward to her gift buying for the kids, something she can manage on her paltry wages since Niles has mentioned that Maxwell provides the staff with a sizable - four figure - Christmas bonus. Check out some of the IMDb editors' favorites movies and shows to round out your Watchlist.Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. There's something heartwarming, almost magical, about watching an anime episode set during Christmas time. This episode if both heartbreaking and heartwarming and sets the rest of the series into motion.As the skaters gather in Barcelona for the Grand Prix Finale, Viktor and Yuri set off on their own to explore the nearby Christmas market. The mood is different, lighter, and for jus one episode, you know it' going to end well. All is well until the park lights catch fire and Sakura is forced to find the source of the problem.The second generation of DigiDestined was great, but it just can't beat the first-gen. Much to his children's disappointment as well as Fran's, Maxwell has to be in Washington, D.C. on Christmas day. She is looking forward to her foray into this gentile festival. At the end of the episode, Senku gathers the whole village in the forest and uses the energy from the new generator to light up the lightbulbs he and his friends made, revealing a beautiful Christmas tree.Although this episode is not completely focused on Christmas, the ending was sweet and it was amazing to see that despite everything that has happened since Senku woke up, he was still determined to celebrate Christmas and give back to the people who gave him a home.Himouto! The last of the three Christmas episodes is absolutely amazing.

This episode brings back the original group, looking a bit more grown-up than the last time we saw then. As a english Lit graduate, she has a passion for words and stories which she loves to share. The whole guild is killed, except for Kirito who has a much higher level and barely escapes.After defeating the Christmas boss, Nicholas the Renegade, Kirito goes back to his room at the tavern where he finds a record of Sashi telling him to stay strong and keep on living in the hopes to one day be free again. Just what everyone loves around Christmas time.In this episode, Kirito chooses to join a guild. Taiga's reaction is one of pure joy and it would warm the heart of the most reluctant Grinch.

Ui remembers a time when she and Yui were kids when Yui tried to give her sister a white Christmas by putting pillow stuffing on the tree outside their house.As the party reaches an end, snow starts to fall and the two sisters fall asleep next to each, reminiscing about their childhood and taking the time to feel blesses about their lives. The episode focuses on themes such as hope, forgiveness and new beginnings which is what Christmas is all about after all.Cecilia is a bookworm, knitting lover and crafter based near Toronto, ON. "Christmas Who?"

are going to Washington D.C. to organize a benefit concert - and so the Sheffields celebrate the holiday on Christmas Eve. The episode receives a lower-ranking here since it only really turns into a proper Christmas episode in the last five minutes. He quickly bonds with Sashi who admitted to him that she was scared of dying. is a SpongeBob SquarePants special episode from season two. The episode follows SpongeBob as he learns what Christmas is about, and as he creates excitement for everyone in Bikini Bottom. Fran is spending her first Christmas with the Sheffields. Grace has never believed in Santa. Directed by Maurice Geraghty. The episode marks the first appearance of both Patchy the Pirate and his pet parrot, Potty. After a great number of failed attempts, they finally manage to put together working lightbulbs and Senku leaves on his own to prepare a little surprise.

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