The idea to celebrate a National Day in the form of Earth day was propounded after a historic event of the enormous oil spill at Santa Barbara, California in the year 1969 took place that caused huge devastation. Universities held protests, and people gathered in public areas to talk about the environment and find ways to defend the planet. Students started an anti-war movement in the country.Nelson got inspired by the student movement and get an idea to use the power of student movement to spread awareness environmental protection in the world.To promote the idea across the nation a team of 52 people was formed and 22Supporters of Democratic and Republic parties supported this demonstration along with people from every group and class of society.With time in the year, 1990 Earth Day went global and as we can see that it is now celebrated as a global event for the protection of the earth.Every earth day is marked with a specific theme each year.Earth Day theme for 2019 was to save and protect all the species that exist on this planet.
Earth Day is a day that was created to promote awareness and appreciation for the Earth’s environment and occurs each year on 22 April.
Trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen for people to breathe.
Earth Day may have originated in the U.S., but today it is a global phenomenon celebrated in almost every country around the world. They also provide shelter and food for animals such as It might seem like itâs everywhere, but clean, drinkable water is a limited resource. To help save even more water, challenge yourself …
Our planet is an amazing place, but it needs our help to thrive!
Every year on April 22, Earth Day marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970.
Earth Reminder must be our topmost priority because the resources which we are using today will not be there tomorrow. I am a Post Graduate in Marketing and supply chain management with over 3 years of experience in a professional job and one-year experience at NGO. View USAFacts' State of the Earth report today. ).With a parentâs permission, volunteer to pick up trash at a nearby park, start a collection drive for recyclable items, or organize a screening of an environmentally themed movie.
Trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen for people to breathe. (The rest is either too salty or too difficult to access.)
Before throwing something away, think about whether it can be recycled or repurposed.Electricity can be made from renewable sources like wind, water, the sun, and even elephant dung!Spunky makes tissue paper pom poms as an alternative to plastic balloons.Turning off the faucet when you brush your teeth can conserve up to eight gallons of water a day.
Various activities are performed in support of earth on this day.
In fact less than one percent of the water on Earth can be used by humans.
The different ways of celebrating Earth Day include-
11 Facts About Earth Day Welcome to , a global movement of millions of young people making positive change, online and off!
A plastic bottle sticks around for way longerâit can take over 450 years to break down!
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Need to get the conversation started? He is the national organizer of Earth Day events in the U.S.
January 30, 2020. 01 of 05. BY Matt Stofsky. View USAFacts' State of the Earth report today.
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