10 comments. Login to reply the answers Post; Anonymous. Honesty is the best policy.

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So I ask myself, Is it better to be honest, when it… Is it better to be honest or to be kind? Relevance.
However, if I were to choose one, I'd be honest.I don't see why being one precludes also being the other.If you mean that by being honest you might hurt someone's feelings which would be "unkind", then let me tell something a very dear friend told me when I once hemmed and hawed because I didn't want to "hurt" her feelings.She said not telling her the truth was being inauthentic; I was not being my true self to her -- and who wants a "false" friend.That said, it IS possible to be honest in a very kind wayKind, its from the heart, coz i know i cant be honest all the time.hahahaforced to choose, it would have to be kind. Whereas truthfulness is somewhat universal. I think being honest is being kind in the long run. October 16, 2017 Amanda Beck. Would you rather have a friend that is brutally honest with their feelings about everything (what you're wearing, how you act, etc. is it better to be honest or kind? "My answer is be honest. Favorite Answer. Is It Better To Be Kind Or Honest? “Tristan you leave with Fidel. Like either during a relationship (saying I don't know if it can work apposed to letting it go on and getting hurt), or with a "talent" (would you like to know you can't sing, or go on American Idol and have the country think you suck). Started May 31, 2017 | Discussions thread Dad, I’ll stall them, you get my wife to safety.” “No!” the man said his voice was deep and commanding. Post was not sent - check your email addresses!

You can sign in to vote the answer.Still have questions? Get your answers by asking now.Doctor on COVID-19 spread: 'There's no mask mandate'Professor dies of COVID-19 in middle of Zoom lectureFormer 'DWTS' host mocks promo featuring Tyra Banks2 alleged 'boogaloo' members face terrorism charges Is it better to be honest or kind/fake? Think before you speak.How do you think about the answers? Should you make something up to make someone you're talking to happy, or is it better to tell them the truth, despite the consequences that it would imply, or whether the person would be offended. 1 decade ago. Sort by. ), or a friend that's nice and kind to everyone (pushing the point of being fake), even if it's not what they're thinking or feeling? 11 Answers. You don't always have to be honest but one should have the best intentions - which is basically kindness.you can be honest but just sugar coat it for the sake of kindnessTry to figure out a way you can do both. it's better for me if i'm honest but its better for others if i'm kind.The way I read your question is, "Should you be honest when it will hurt them, or make up a white lie?

share. Sometimes the truth hurts, its no secrete. And I am having a blast.The Dream Walker Chapter 1 (Book 1 – Chris Part I) Chapter 1: The Vicious Cycle “Hurry!” Tristan whispered, his voice rough and urgent. You lie to me, and I hate you even more. Atzura and I can […]Part of Prologue to Book 1 – Lily Part I Girl in the Dark The heavily pregnant woman staggered from her house, a sleeping 3-year-old tucked under one arm, a pen and a scrap of paper clenched in the other. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. After scanning for her car through the freezing rain, she stumbled towards it, her black […]A writer's blog featuring poetry, short stories, thoughts, and opinions© Copyright 2015 Anna Grishaw - All Rights Reserved When we talk about kindness, we are very specific in what we believe kindness is and hence, kindness, like all other social construct is subjective. 100% Upvoted. You tell me the truth, and I hate you for it. But it hurts even more if you are lead to believe something else and discover it later. I have written the first two books of each series as a whole, but have a lot of revision left to do!It isn’t easy to find time to write Words that come easy one minute allude me Whenever I try and put pen to paper personal thoughts: I am trying to find time to write my series, but unfortunately I have to put it on hold again while I continue to finish nursing school.

Is it better to be kind or truthful? Lv 7. - Watch YouTube Videos Organized by Category on Canvasonic, the Alternative YouTube Player A philosophical question. save hide report. “They’re coming! Nice and honest puppy: "It's friggin' cold out here, but at least I have this blanket." Kindness is great when you try to explain something, but without honesty you won't get over anything.

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