You’ll find riddles, puns, knock-knock joke and more.This collection of jokes about school have a little something for everyone. How much is 5 plus 3?Q. What do you get when you cross a person with a calculator?Q.

When I ask this question, I want you to answer quickly.

We've got jokes to crack up every person at the cocktail party. Students and teachers alike will laugh at this list of teacher jokes, puns, and one-liners until they have to stay after the bell. What is heavier, a pound of feathers or a pound of cotton?Q: What do you get when you divide the circumference of a Jack-o-lantern by its diameter?Q. Welcome to EnglishClub ESL Jokes, where you'll find lots of funny jokes for all levels of ESL learners.Jokes are an essential part of the English language and culture. Sharpen up your number 2 pencils, write your name on your Scantrons, and get ready for this hilarious list of jokes about teachers. Although sex is removed from the equation when teaching consent to elementary students, the end goal is to help prevent sexual harassment and assault by teaching students about personal boundaries, how to say no, and how to respect no—and in the unfortunate case that students do experience sexual abuse or harassment, how to ask for help. He ate 30 of them. We’re too pretty to survive in juvie.Vote up your favorite jokes about teachers in the gut-busting list below. These jokes about teachers are funny and respectful enough for teachers to enjoy as much as everyone else. "What Do You Get When You Cross a Teacher and a Vampire?What's the Difference Between a Teacher and a Large Pizza?Why Do Chemistry Professors Enjoy Teaching about Ammonia? But in case you didn't get enough Halloween laughs, yet, here are some more lists to tickle your funny bone: Corny… History jokes, math jokes, science riddles, jokes about teachers and more. Why did the right triangle put the air conditioner on?Q: If 1 = 5, 2 = 25, 3 = 125, and 4 = 525 – what is 5 equal to?Q. I got in trouble after asking which end. Funny jokes for back to school or anytime!Q: Why did the knight run around shouting for a can opener?Q: Why were the early days of history called the dark ages?Q: When a teacher closes his eyes, why should it remind him of an empty classroom?Q: Why did the teacher write the lesson on the windows?Teacher: Why does the statue of liberty stand in New York harbor?Q: What is the only grade level you can plant a flower in?Q: What starts with a T, ends with a T, and is full of T?Q: Why don’t you see giraffes in elementary school?Q: What’s the difference between a teacher and a steam train?Boy: Today my teacher yelled at me for something I didn’t do.Q: What is white when its dirty and black when its clean?Teacher: Why is your homework in your father’s handwriting?Q: Why did the teacher write the lesson on the windows?Q: Why did the girl wear glasses during math class?Q: What do you get if you divide the circumference of a jack-o-lantern by its diameter?Q: Why did the teacher write the math problem on the window?Q: Why did the student do multiplication problems on the floor?Q: Why didn’t the quarter roll down the hill with the nickel?Q: Why did the student do her multiplication on the floor?Q.

Impress your this list of teacher jokes, puns, and one-linersWhat's the Difference Between a Teacher and a Train?The teacher says "Spit your gum out" and the train says, "Chew, chew!
What’s snack is the most popular among teachers in Maine?Q.

my teacher pointed his ruler at me and said, at the end of this ruler there is an idiot. Well, we guess it would actually be homework, and then teachers - but you get it. What did the algebra book say to the science book?Q. What do you get when you cross a math teacher with a tree?Q.

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