“Labour are a busted flush and all but irrelevant in Scottish politics. Data returned from the Piano 'meterActive/meterExpired' callback These adverts enable local businesses to get in front of their target audience – the It is important that we continue to promote these adverts as our local businesses need as much support as possible during these challenging times.This website and associated newspapers adhere to the Independent Press Standards Organisation's Editors' Code of Practice. If you have a complaint about the editorial content which relates to inaccuracy or intrusion, then please

September 05, 2020 by The world's most-read Scottish politics website Posted on

Yet in today’s world of complexity, change and messiness – as well as constant information and disinformation – a lot of questionable interpretations of the past are gaining currency and being used to justify bad politics in the here and now. I would have also expected that a draft bill be ready to go a long time ago to be honest and many are asking when does loyalty to the SNP become the stupidity of the old Scottish Labour Party, either way I am sadly underwhelmed and under enthused but maybe that is just how we all feel right now with the year we are having. As requested by Professor John Robertson, a quick post about the Wikipedia entry on GERS. Written by Total Politics has a free weekly Friday email bulletin.

This short blog serves to detail the learning ove Posted on September 03, 2020 by Posted on I also think that Curt Smith and Roland Orzabal are both very under rated in my opinion, they made some of the best and most distinctive music in the 80’s. I want people to look at what is around them and to consider that we can do better, we must do better, all of us.A few things are clear from the comments. Labour in Scotland are a mess and unelectable but I don’t think I would write them off from having some kind of future if they were to break away and get rid of the Tories who sit on their benches in Holyrood. The Brake Brothers got £208 million, the Guardian also report contracts awarded to and not yet published include some of theUnionists argue that Scotland can’t afford to be independent, Scotland can’t afford not to be independent. The Oral Health Improvement Plan provides the … Posted on

The Herald already ran a story yesterday about how we should not ignore the GERS report because it is an accurate account of where Scotland is economically (based on available figures lol).

For me the recent policy direction and in fighting within the SNP is a bigger risk in the longer term than they think and a Scottish Labour Party returning to socialist values and supporting independence, no matter how unlikely, would in my opinion be a threat to the SNP in the longer term.

Unionists talk about Scotland having an alleged deficit of 7%, but the UK will not be that far off having to return to the World Monitory Fund for a loan like they did in the 1970’s and there is no oil to save the day this time is there, they have given all that away and used the money they made to de-industrialise Scotland, pay for wars and give tax cuts to the rich while at the same time allowing them to avoid paying it in the first place.As I said yesterday Scotland simply cannot afford not to be independent anymore, the longer we stay a part of the United Kingdom the more difficult it will be to sort out the mess that we will inherit from this horrible English Government and those incompetent idiots. The Working Hour we can all relate to if you have ever had a boss, Broken and Listen are strong tracks as well. We will see a new approach to Scotland with If you need to convince soft no voters about the merits of independence just get them to read some of the unionist press, have a look at Conservative Home, look at online comments from many in England about what they think about Scotland, it’s all too wee, too poor, too stupid and oh but I like to visit Scotland it is part of England. According to Gallagher Scotland faces a staggering and worsening deficit about four times as large as the rest of the UK. )We’ll pause for but a brief moment to contemplate the assertion that this unelected, unaccountable civil servant might be Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. Cash to help young people into work. A blog of the renowned Scottish political commentator Iain Macwhirter.

I have always despised the Labour Party as soon as I started to understand what they were growing up in Dundee in the 1980’s. Scottish Government Blog. Still happy allowed out day to all the yoons and it does give BBC Scotland a good news day by their standard.“To achieve any given small percentage increase in vote share for Labour in a seat in Scotland where we are not regarded by the electorate as a serious rival to the incumbent requires a substantially larger investment of human and financial resources than in a seat in England or Wales where we are so regarded.”On constituency and polling data, it states: ” There were differences for Scotland, where data availability is slightly more limited.Of course the SNP are happy at this state of affairs with SNP MSP David Torrance said:“The party’s leadership is completely out of touch with working families in Scotland.

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