Stop telling yourself it was.If you don't think there's more to this than keeping you "safe" think again.

There’s so many things happening that I’m calling collateral damage from COVID that I think it’s really time to take a look and say, ‘Is the collateral damage outweighing the virus itself?’ And the damage that is causing to the medical field?” The first equation cannot be extrapolated to the second equation, because those who get tested are expected to be many times more likely to test positive. They don’t have people out of work in food lines.

Dr. Dan Erickson, one of the two doctors from Bakersfield, California, who were censored by YouTube after holding a press conference calling for an early end to the China virus lockdown in their state, says that attempts to censor the video backfired, causing the press conference to be distributed more widely. Dr. Dan Erickson Responds To YouTube’s Censorship Of His Views. The first 18 minutes of the video is based on a plainly bad mathematical argument, but bad math needs to be corrected, not censored.

“The Raging Patriot” Joey Saladino had Dr. Erickson on his show to discuss his position on COVID-19 and the proper ways to handle it. He was calling for the nation to open up for business immediately. Find some answers for yourselves. It is an argument that seems plausible to me.YouTube and Vimeo went the way of authoritarian censorship in their attempt to control the spread of a bad argument. We’ve seen 1,227 deaths in the state of California with a possible incidents or prevalence of 4.7 million.
The "Dr. Erickson COVID-19 Briefing" video has been censored many times on both YouTube and Vimeo. The models Trump cites as reasons to shutdown the economy are false. You can find those original videos on basically every other video platform … But it got shared so many times they were having trouble because people had recorded it on all kinds of devices and were re-sharing.”“Sometimes, when they take it down, that negative attention causes a lot of positive movement … It got shared all over the place.”Double your web browsing speed with today's sponsor. 2.5M people were never going to die of this thing. Part two is miraculously still up.

The "Dr. Erickson COVID-19 Briefing" video has been censored many times on both YouTube and Vimeo. Child abuse, both sexual and non [non-sexual] up. I’m a physician. Part one was removed from YouTube. The video came in two parts. We’ve gone backward so far. Anxiety hotline calls up 1000 percent.

But the public hears cases and thinks, ‘Oh my goodness. Also, they don’t have a several trillion-dollar free-falling economy that they may not come back from for a long time. That means you have a 0.03 chance of dying from COVID-19 in the state of California,” said Erickson.In the press conference, Erickson, who owns a clinic in Bakersfield, said that the rising number of cases is causing unnecessary fear.
But, to the credit of MSN, EDIT: I revised my argument (thanks to the criticisms in the comments).•  percentage of positive COVID cases in CA ÷ tested for COVID = 33865 ÷ 280900 = 12%•  Californians infected with COVID = CA population × percentage of positive COVID cases in CA = 39500000 × 12% = 4740000•  CA COVID deaths ÷ Californians infected with COVID = 1227 ÷ 4740000 = 0.03%The fallacy is the second equation.

But, to the credit of MSN, it has remained on ever since its publication six days ago. The immune system is built by exposure to antigens: viruses, bacteria. Which means this thing is widespread, that’s the good news. Two doctors from California held a press conference in April calling for the end of the lockdown. These are sick people!’ No, the vast majority — 99.8 percent of people get through this with little to no progressive or significant disease.”Therefore, according to Erickson, people should stop focusing on reported cases but on hospitalizations and “appropriately coded” deaths.“Was the lockdown successful? Dr. Dan Erickson says YouTube’s censorship of anti-lockdown video helped it spread. I say yes, very successful. You can find those original videos on basically every other video platform now, but in a nutshell, they believe that our country’s reaction to COVID, and the collateral damage from it, has been a giant misstep.They disagree with the restrictive measures being taken across the country, they dared to be vocal about that, and so YouTube decided dissent is terrible and must be silenced. We have no reason to think that the number of Californians infected with COVID-19 is the same same as the total population times percentage of those who tested positive in the same of testees. Over the weekend, a video from two doctors out of Kern County, California explaining the actual data surrounding COVID-19, and what those doctors thought about the virus and what they were seeing first hand, was removed from YouTube for "violating community standards."

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