When you’re looking to cut apron strings and take to the road, following where the winds lead you, this is the plant spirit from whom to get insight.It is impossible not to notice the bright yellow flowers of Dandelions. It’s an unpretentious plant, yet good looking. It’s also a great vitamin boost for the body, having lots of vitamins and minerals that support kidney function. Answers like these made the Angel very sad until she finally found the Dandelion who replied that she would be happy anywhere children could find her – playing in the fields, making my way through stones, roadsides – anywhere she could bring a smile. We “brats” embrace the little flower because it symbolizes being able to grow whever life might take you, and then military kids get scattered and blown to all parts of the world when they grow up. This rather simple, unassuming weed has been the bane of many gardeners for decades, but really they offer much more than first meets the eye. That didn’t stop Medieval peasants and modern spiritualists from considering it a symbolic flower. Dandelion spirit is another harbinger of spring – one that brings a smile to our faces and youthful thoughts. 6 represents symmetry, kindness, compassion, harmony and community.

Take your shoes off!

Their strong, extensive root system and ability to reproduce in just about any environment make them a menace to gardeners and farmers. noun a weedy composite plant, Taraxacum officinale, having edible, deeply toothed or notched leaves, golden-yellow flowers, and rounded clusters of white, hairy seeds. Dandelion leaves applied to the skin improve circulation.

You might curse it as a weed when it pops up in your lawn, but the Dandelion is beautiful and full of symbolism nonetheless. I am using a dandelion as my logo. It is a Dandelion, as the seeds float away they turn into birds…“The official flower of the military child is the dandelion.
Ancient Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, Japanese and the Chinese alike have employed these plants in a variety of ways for thousands of years.

Dandelion tea has proven effective for combating acne. Most modern admirers consider it a symbol of fighting through the challenges of life and emerging victorious on the other side. The plant puts down roots almost anywhere, and it’s almost impossible to destroy.

I enjoyed reading! Perhaps one of the first magic spells a child learns by way of folk tradition is using Dandelion for various types of sympathetic magic. In terms of equilibrium, the head of a dandelion has beautiful proportions that spin outward evenly drawing in those with a youthful heart or spirit who dare to dream.

Military children have learned from an early age that home is where their hearts are, that a good friend can be found in every corner of the world, and that education doesn’t only come from school. It as if they’re smiling at you when they open, bring with that blossom the energy of pure delight. It’s a survivor in a broad range of climates.
For the purpose of this writing, we have gone with straight letter-by-letter values, resulting in a 6. They don’t operate exactly like humans do, which also makes them a lot of fun. If Lion is King of the Jungle, and Rose the Queen of the Garden, Dandelion is Princess of the lawn. She is quite the traveler – taking her seeds as much as five miles from the originating plant. The roots of the mystical Dandelion reach far back into history. While Dandelion has other elemental and celestial correspondences that we will touch on here, it’s impossible to overlook the Solar element, which also connects to the third chakra. Jack Tresidder, author of his Dictionary of Symbols equates the dandelion’s association with Christ’s passion because of the bitterness of the plant’s leaves.

For those with freckles or aging spots, the flowers made into a lotion help bleach those spots out. They live history. It also says “one more day with you” with the floating seeds. How sad we are still experiencing the grieving sorrowful moments.After 24 hours after my husband died from Glioblastoma Brain Cancer my phone screen that had a picture of him and I together changed on it own to a picture of a dandelion and it’s seeds blowing. Others use it as a reminder to use intelligence in dealing with every kind of situation. Even if you think of the plant as nothing more than a pest, understanding some of its using as a symbol could give you a new appreciation for those flowers you keep pulling up as you weed.The common and humble Dandelion has a surprising amount of different meanings. Dandelion’s favorite saying is “expect the unexpected.”Around the globe dandelions symbolize happiness, simple joys, good companions and the presence of our inner child who often forgets to play. Finally, most people agree that the Dandelion looks so cheerful and happy, even when it is taking over a sidewalk or shading out grass in a lawn.All Dandelions are yellow, so they share a common color meaning no matter which particular species you work with.The Dandelion grows across North America and Europe, and was introduced into many other continents as well. So much is the case that even the best botanist would be hard-pressed to give a specific origin and history for this flower.

The rose wanted a castle for climbing on the walls where she could be safe. The tulip wanted a castle garden where a princess could fawn over her.

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