Hence, men who don't cheat are kind of weak compared to those brave and manly men who cheat on their wives and come home to lie to them every night.To me, this author has crossed the line in his own life and he's working hard to ensure that other men don't feel so bad about cheating, since it's supposedly normal. well i suppose all irish men are not the same in been faithful or not faithful but one things sure as ´Pamela O stated that the irish men are only faithful to their drink which is absolutely true, that is for the ones that drink and as for ´Heat seeker´, everyone is entitled to their opinion and if you don´t like the answers stay away from yahoo answers then. I divorced him the fourth year. EDIT: apologies, this was posted a little drunk and bitter. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Well, this article seems to be pushing for unfaithfulness, first and foremost, particularly in men. I say this because of the way he treats faithfulness-ness in men as the norm and faithfulness as something different with x and y traits.As a woman, I just read this stuff and think I'd have to be a sucker to be faithful to a man in this lifetime. The Irish Humour.

They take their bromances very seriously and take pride in their male friendships.An Irish man could quite literally be left talking to a wall. There were a lot of possibilities but only one certainty; he could not make love to her. It's the worst feeling I have ever had.Because no matter what men tell you, including the author of this article, human mates who make vows to one another are meant to be monogamous.

Rehearsals for a show at Electric Picnic yielded a little bit more magic than expected, writes I’M HEADING for Electric Picnic this weekend, to do a show in the Theatre Tent on Sunday afternoon with Steve Wickham from the Waterboys, and Michelle Haddad, a young actress from Brazil.I know as little about Brazil as I do about Macumba, the African magic that is practised in that country, but during breakfast with the actress one morning last week, before rehearsals, Michelle told me there is a wide variety of Macumba spells that women in Brazil use to quieten their menfolk, and that the most terrifying is that which causes erectile dysfunction.The spell involves getting a piece of paper and writing the man’s name on it, then opening a tiny hole in the crown of an egg with a pin or other object, and pushing the scroll of paper into the egg.This egg is then preserved – perhaps in the freezer where it will not smell – and as long as the man’s name is inside the egg, he will have little pleasure either with himself or other members of society.My friend explained that she knew a woman who did this ritual when her boyfriend was heading for France. You can sign in to vote the answer.Still have questions? And if not, which of your 5 itemized constraints have restricted you from acting on your innate inclinations?Scarcity mentality, religious convictions, and disneyesque romanticizations of monogamy, love, and commitment.The previous commenters have already alluded to this predisposition.I'm gobsmacked! This suggests that most Irish people are looking for a 'spark' to let them know that their date is going well. How does one go about dating an Irish man??? To assume that every man out there who cheats on his wife (and I'm talking about the men who fall prey to weakness here and there over the course of a lifetime with one woman, not the Tiger Woods) is a selfish, self-entitled, callous idiot is incredibly naive. My wife and I have been married for 20 years and we go at every bit as hot & heavy as any newlywed couple! Cheating men do want women to think that they are our only option when in reality the truth is that there are faithful men out there.

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