
Legionella is a type of bacteria found in water systems which can create fatal diseases, such as legionnaires’ disease, so it must be monitored within water systems. Available at:Blatny, J., Ho, J.,Skogan, G.,Fykse, E., Aarskaug, T.,Waagen, V. ‘Airborne Kusnetsov, J., Neuvonen, L-K., Korpio, T., Uldum, S.A., Mentula, S., Putus T., Tran Minh, N. N., & Martimo, K-P., Two Legionnaires' disease cases associated with industrial waste water treatment plants: a case report. Recommendations, Geneva, WHO, 3rd ed.

‘A Cluster of Legionnaires’ disease caused by Legionella longbeachae linked to potting compost in Scotland, 2008-2009’, Eurosurveillance, Vol.

Legionnaires’ disease was first identified following a large outbreak of pneumonia among people who attended an American Legion convention in Philadelphia, United States of America (USA) in 1976. This can pose a significant risk to our health in a time we are already concerned with COVID-19. However, the vast majority of cooling systems are small including many units installed on or near buildings to discharge heat from air conditioning systemsPoorly maintained spa pools have been linked to several outbreaks of Legionnaires’ diseaseThese include any man-made water system, which has the right conditions for Studies in Austria and Scandinavian countries have demonstrated the presence of If a workplace has a water system (as described above) that is at risk of in a first step, it is important to determine whether the water system is at risk of becoming contaminated with The majority of modern day workplaces are at risk of exposure to It could be suggested that workers in close proximity to spa pools at leisure centres and hotels could be at increased risk of exposure due to the extended time they are near a water system with an increased risk of There are many industrial practices that involve regular or occasional use of a water spray system.

Available at Government of Western Australia.

The duration of Legionnaires’ disease is several weeks but the attack rate is very low, as not everyone exposed to the bacteria will develop symptoms of the disease.

The technical name for the bacteria is Legionella pneumophila, and this tends to be prevalent in natural water sources aroun… ‘Legionnaires’ disease: a rational approach to therapy’. ‘Pontiac fever. Les légionelles en milieu de travail. In the largest recorded outbreak, which occurred in Murcia, Spain in 2001, there were 449 confirmed cases of Legionnaires’ disease but the case fatality was only 1% due to quick recognition of the cause, the timely intervention and the correct use of antibioticsThe European Centre for Disease and Prevention Control (ECDC) monitors the cases of Legionnaires' disease in Europe through the Certain conditions, which occur within man-made water systems, can lead to the growth of Any water system, with the right environmental conditions as described above, could allow the growth of There are various systems available to supply hot and cold water services to premises and outdoor work facilities.

Home page.

Better compliance and effective management of the risks leading to this disease can be attained through the services of a health and safety professional.

Available at: Scaife, H R. ‘The influence of phenotype on the stress resistance of Legionella pneumophila’. Are there Legionella risks in my workplace? Available at: Nygård, K., Werner-Johansen, O., Rønsen, S., Caugant, D.A., Simonsen, O., Kanestrøm, A., Ask, E., Ringstad, J., Ødegård, R., Jensen, T., Krogh, T., Høiby, E.A., Ragnhildstveit, E., Aaberge, I.S.

Clinical and epidemiologic aspects’. Glick, T. H., Gregg, M. B., Berman, B., Mallison, G., Rhodes, W. W. & Kassanoff, I. European Centre for Disease and Prevention Control (ECDC), Legionnaires’ disease, Annual Epidemiological Report for 2017. 15, Issue 8, 2010.

The legionella and Legionnaires ’ disease in the workplace can be controlled and prevented with a careful monitoring of the water systems in the company.

Any water system, with the right environmental conditions, could be a source for legionella bacteria growth.

You or the person responsible for managing risks, need to understand your water systems, the equipment associated with the system such as pumps, heat exchangers, showers etc, and its constituent parts.

Available at Nguyen, T.M.N., Ilef, D., Jarraud, S.,Rouil, L., Campese, C., Che, D., Haeghebaert, S., Ganiayre, F., Marcel, F., Etienne, J. Austropapier 2010. Available at: Directive 2000/54/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 September 2000 on the protection of workers from risks related to exposure to biological agents at work (seventh individual directive within the meaning of Article 16 of Directive 89/391/EEC). Case fatality rate can reach 40 to 80% in hospital patients due to their often supressed immune systems and other underlying medical conditionsTreatment of Legionnaires’ disease is by antibiotic therapy.

Available at: HSE- Health & Safety Executive, Approved Code of Practice and guidance: Legionnaires’ disease, The control of legionella bacteria in water systems (L8). Code of Practice: Prevention and Control of Legionnaires’ Disease, 2014. These include the aforementioned Legionnaires’ disease and a number of other pneumonia related conditions. PhD thesis, Sheffield Hallam University, 1999. WHO - World Health Organization, Legionella and the prevention of legionellosis, 2007. WHO- World Health Organisation Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality,. S & Breiman, R. F. ‘Outbreak of Legionnaires' disease associated with a display whirlpool spa’. 2424-2435.Akbas, E. & Yu, V., ‘Legionnaires’ disease and pneumonia: beware the temptation to underestimate this “exotic” cause of infection’, Mülazimoglu, L. & Yu, V. L., ‘Can Legionnaires’ disease be diagnosed by clinical criteria? & Pelaz, C. ‘Legionnaires’ disease outbreak in Murcia, Spain’, Roig, J.

Available at: EU-OSHA - European Agency of Safety and Health at Work, ESCMID Study Group for Legionella Infections, ESGLI Guidance for managing Legionella in building water systems during the COVID-19 pandemic. Attack rates are 0.1%-5% of the general population and 0.4% to 14% of hospital patients. Legionellosis outbreaks in workplaces are commonly attributable to Legionella growth in poorly maintained manmade water systems, such as: Cooling towers, evaporative condensers, and fluid coolers using evaporation to remove heat.

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